About Dr. Stein
Education & Qualifications
Graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University, 1969.
Received M.D. from the University of Miami, School of Medicine, 1973.
Internship and Psychiatric Residency at Herrick Memorial Hospital, Berkeley, California, 1973-1976.
Licensed to Practice Medicine in California and Florida.
Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in General Psychiatry, 1979, and Board Certified in Geriatric Psychiatry, 1991. Re-certified 2001 and in 2011.
Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association.
Distinguished Fellow, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
Life Member, International PsychoGeriatric Association.
Clinical Experiance
More than 45 years of clinical experience taking care of thousands of older people and their mental, emotional and cognitive problems.
Clinical Psychiatrist, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, San Francisco Veterans
Administration Medical Center, 2021 - Present. -
Psychiatric Consultant, San Francisco Towers LifeCare Community, 2020 - Present.
Director of Psychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry and Medical Director of the Acute Geriatric Psychiatric Hospital, Jewish Home of San Francisco, San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living, 2010 - 2020.
In the Private Practice of Older Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry, in Miami and Miami Beach, Florida, 1977-2010.
Medical Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient Unit, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach (2001 - 2002)
Co-Medical Director, Psychiatric Inpatient Unit, Miami Heart Institute, Miami Beach, (1997-1999).
Medical Director and Director of Psychiatric Services, Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach, 1979 - 1986.
Has been Consultant to multiple Nursing Homes, Independent and Assisted Living Facilities
Knowledgeable about Medicare and insurance issues, including medical billing, coding and documentation.
Expert Consultant and Witness to multiple Attorneys and Law Firms over more than 20 years.
Dr. Stein is not currently accepting referrals of new patients for clinical evaluation or treatment.

Professional Activities, Honors and Awards
Dr. Stein has volunteered for activities in many professional societies, and has received multiple honors and recognitions from them:
Dr. Stein is Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
Distinguished Fellow of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
In 1997, given the Founder's Award by the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry for contributions to the field. This was only the 3rd time that this award had been presented since the organization was started in 1978.
In May, 2001, received the Jack Weinberg Memorial Award in Geriatric Psychiatry from the American Psychiatric Association, their highest award in Geriatric Psychiatry.
In 2003, Dr. Stein was selected as the first recipient of the Clinician of the Year Award by the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
In 2004, given the Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University of Miami School of Medicine.
Dr. Stein was twice elected President of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (1985 - 1987) after serving on their Board of Directors (1982 - 1985).
Elected President of the Gerontologic Society of Florida (1989 -1990).
Elected Treasurer of the International PsychoGeriatric Association (1989 - 1993) and was elected to their Board of Directors (1993 - 1997).
Member of, and Consultant to, the American Psychiatric Association Council on Aging (1984 - 1993).
Vice-president of the South Florida Psychiatric Society (1988 - 1989).
On the Board of Directors and Co-chair of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board for the Dade County Alzheimer's Association (1988 - 1995).
On the Board of Directors of the Geriatric Psychiatry Alliance (1996 - 1998), which helped to promote public information about mental disorders which affect older people.
Member of the Northern California Psychiatric Society, the American Medical Association, the American Geriatrics Society, the Gerontological Association of America.
Dr. Stein has been on the Faculty at many of the Annual Meetings of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, and at other local, national and international professional society meetings.
Dr, Stein is a member of the Past President's Council of the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, and is consultant to the Association's Committees on Public Policy, Membership, and Clinical Practice.
Dr. Stein was a been a member of the Task Force on Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence, for the International PsychoGeriatric Association, 2007-2016.
Dr. Stein represented Geriatric Psychiatry in the 2018 multi-specialty Patient-Centered Evaluation and Management Services Coalition, addressing the Administration’s proposed revisions to Medicare documentation standards.

Author, Teacher, Lecturer
Dr. Stein is Clinical Professor-Volunteer in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), School of Medicine.
Dr. Stein has been teaching UCSF Psychiatric Physicians in their 5th year of post-graduate psychiatric training, during their Fellowship year of Geriatric Psychiatry Sub-Specialization.
Has also taught 5th year Geriatric Psychiatric Fellows from Stanford University, and 5th year Geriatric Medicine Fellows from UCSF.
Previously, Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
Dr. Stein is the author/co-author of multiple teaching and professional materials, including books and book chapters, and articles in the professional literature.
Among these are the article "Does Your Client Have Testamentary Capacity? Mental Health and Memory Issues That Affect Estate Planning ", published in California Estates and Trusts Quarterly, in 2011.
Wrote a chapter entitled "Private Practice Issues" in the textbook Comprehensive Review of Geriatric Psychiatry, Third Edition, published in 2004, as well as the corresponding question and answer section in the Comprehensive Review of Geriatric Psychiatry, Third Edition, Study Guide published in 2005.
In the textbook, Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry, 3rd Edition, published in 2011, Dr. Stein wrote a chapter entitled, "Geriatric Psychiatric Outpatient Care: The Private Practice Model in the USA".
Co-Author of a book chapter on Capacity, in a forthcoming textbook Geriatric Medicine: A Person-Centered Evidence-Based Approach, 5th edition, in preparation for publication by Springer Press.
For many years, Dr. Stein has taught classes to medical and psychiatric residents and Geriatric Psychiatric Fellows, as well as to psychiatrists and other physicians in practice, and to nurse practitioners, nurses and other health care providers, with the goal of encouraging and helping them improve the care given to the elderly, especially those with emotional and mental disorders.
Dr. Stein has been a lecturer at many local, regional, national, and international conferences.
Among the lecture topics has been a series of programs and symposia on Medicare coding, documentation and billing, designed to teach and encourage psychiatrists on how to be successful in treating treat older patients.
He also taught a series of programs on Images of Aging in the Cinema.
On June 13, 2012, Dr. Stein presented a program based on my article, "Does Your Client Have Testamentary Capacity? Mental Health and Memory Issues That Affect Estate Planning," at the East Bay Trusts & Estates Lawyers Third Annual Spring Symposium, in Oakland, California.
In 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, Dr. Stein led, presented and participated in Mock Trial Symposia at the Annual Meetings of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, for diverse audiences of mental health care providers from the United States and Canada. The topics of these Mock Trials included Contested Wills and Trusts, Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence, and Financial Abuse of the Elderly.

Understanding the Later Years is Important.
Let's put them into perspective.
Other Geriatric Psychiatry Resources
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
American Psychiatric Association
International PsychoGeriatric Association
The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Library of Medicine
(Note that these links are to independent websites, and Dr. Stein is not responsible for any information which may or may not be found there. No claims are made, implied or promised about the completeness or accuracy of the information on this website or on any other website linked to this one. Note also that there are many other resources available on the internet for medical, psychiatric and geriatric information.)